Learn to Play Guitar!

Do you want to play guitar?

Are you tired of wishing you could play like your heroes?

Well, do something about it! Contact me today and we can sort out a personalised package to get you playing the songs you want to play in a surprisingly short amount of time.

My tuition programs offer an unrivaled opportunity for you to take control of your musical education and tailor your progress to your unique aspirations and ambitions.

My success stories include one student who came to me knowing 3 chords. in 4 lessons i had him playing a wide repertoire in different styles. Me are now on lesson 8, studying chord progressions and mode theory.

I have taught countless people of all ages and skill-levels. One thing rings through for all of the successful students: they practice.

Private practice is absolutely key to progressing quickly and ensuring that the skills i teach you every week are properly learned.

That is why at the end of every lesson i devote 5-10 minutes to creating a comprehensive weekly practice plan. If the plan is acted on, i guarantee you will be satisfied by the speed you pick up the skills you want to learn!

I offer discounts for group lessons, although recommend that we stick with one-on-one tuition if you want fast progress.

My lessons are very competitively priced- just email me at singaporeguitaracademy@gmail.com or call (+65) 84390068

What are you waiting for?